In the past year, EXCEL has given me so much. From opportunities, to confidence in myself. EXCEL provided me with a night I will always remember, a night where I found my voice, a night where my confidence shifted to the right side when all along it had been on the wrong side. It was the night of our first EXCEL showcase. My hands were shaking as I practiced my speech the day before, my voice cracked, my palms were sweaty. I was dressed in my best professional attire, and I practiced my speech so much I had it memorized, yet I had the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach that I would get up there and choke.
At the beginning of that night, I had no confidence. I had no faith in myself that I could do what the EXCEL program needed me to do that night. I was scared, nervous, and worried. My instructor, Mrs. Huff, didn't have to notice my fear or worry to tell me that I was going to do a great job. She, along with other EXCEL instructors, continuously encouraged me until I finally got the guts to go on stage in front of the crowd. Right before the event started, Mrs. Huff told me "the worst thing that can happen is you mess up, and that's not bad."
As I stood at the podium, I distinctly remember Mrs. Huff giving me a smile and a thumbs up, and that is when my self confidence shifted. I presented my speech with no mistakes, and even got recognition for how well I did on stage by the superintendent of the Little Rock School District.
Before that night was even over, I was wanting to give a speech at our next showcase. From that point on, I wasn't shy about introducing myself to professionals, I wasn't shy about making my voice heard. Because I found out that night that the worst thing that can happen is I mess up, and that's not bad.